Saturday, March 8, 2025

Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.

 Job 40:1-41:34 

The Lord said to Job: Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!”

Then Job answered the LordI am unworthy—how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer— twice, but I will say no more.”

Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm: Brace yourself like a man; I will question you,  and you shall answer me. 

Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? Do you have an arm like God’s, and can your voice thunder like his? Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.

The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it. A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth. Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?

Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs, its strength and its graceful form. Who can strip off its outer coat?  Who can penetrate its double coat of armor? Who dares open the doors of its mouth, ringed about with fearsome teeth?


The Lord mentioned all God's creations, such as crocodiles who can fight with or attack him. 

From the creations of the Lord, no one can argue with the Lord, for we, human beings are too small and our understanding is very little.


Humble me, for all of us are being created. Listen to the word of the Lord and come closer to the Lord to know the way of the Lord.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

God is mighty, but despises no one; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose

 Job 36:1-33

Bear with me a little longer and I will show you that there is more to be said in God’s behalf. I get my knowledge from afar; I will ascribe justice to my Maker. Be assured that my words are not false; one who has perfect knowledge is with you.

God is mighty, but despises no one; he is mighty, and firm in his purposeHe does not keep the wicked alive but gives the afflicted their rights.

If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. But if they do not listenthey will perish by the sword and die without knowledge.

God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him? Who has prescribed his ways for him, or said to him, ‘You have done wrong’? Remember to extol his work,  which people have praised in song. All humanity has seen it; mortals gaze on it from afar. How great is God—beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out.

How great is God—beyond our understanding!

This is the way he governs the nations and provides food in abundance.


Elihu said part of it is right, but who can say Job has sinned against the Lord. We cannot even judge others in our world.

Great is our God -- beyond our understanding.


Be humble before the Lord and other people, for we are sinners.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Oh, that Job might be tested to the utmost for answering like a wicked man!

 Job 34:1-37

Then Elihu said: 

Is there anyone like Job, who drinks scorn like water? He keeps company with evildoers; he associates with the wicked. For he says, ‘There is no profit in trying to please God.’

So listen to me, you men of understanding. Far be it from God to do evil, from the Almighty to do wrong.

It is unthinkable that God would do wrong, that the Almighty would pervert justice.

He punishes them for their wickedness where everyone can see them, because they turned from following him and had no regard for any of his ways.

Oh, that Job might be tested to the utmost for answering like a wicked man! To his sin he adds rebellion; scornfully he claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God.”


God would not do wrong, but the Lord may test us by not reasonable events.

Elihu insisted that because Job did evil the judgment came upon Job. From history, all the evil doers can not escape from the judgment of the Lord.


Everyone's life is a special case before the Lord so it is impossible using the same way to understand or judge each one.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right

Job 32:1-32

So these three men stopped answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes. But Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, became very angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. He was also angry with the three friends, because they had found no way to refute Job, and yet had condemned him

So Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said: 

I gave you my full attention. But not one of you has proved Job wrong; none of you has answered his arguments. Do not say, ‘We have found wisdom; let God, not a man, refute him.’ But Job has not marshaled his words against me, and I will not answer him with your arguments.

It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right.

For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst. I must speak and find relief; I must open my lips and reply. I will show no partiality, nor will I flatter anyone; for if I were skilled in flattery,  my Maker would soon take me away.


Elihu kept silent for he is younger than the other three friends. Elihu felt Job was righteous in his own eyes so Elihu was angry that Job and these three friends couldn't say the right words.


The old doesn't mean who are wise, no only the aged understand what is right. But younger isn't wise either.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I had someone to hear me! I sign now my defense—let the Almighty answer me

Job 31:13-40

If I have denied justice to any of my servants,  whether male or female,  when they had a grievance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb make them?  Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?

“If I have denied the desires of the poor or let the eyes of the widow grow weary, if I have kept my bread to myself, not sharing it with the fatherless— but from my youth I reared them as a father would, and from my birth I guided the widow—

If I have put my trust in gold or said to pure gold, ‘You are my security,’ if I have rejoiced over my great wealth, the fortune my hands had gained, if I have regarded the sun in its radiance or the moon moving in splendor, so that my heart was secretly enticed and my hand offered them a kiss of homage, then these also would be sins to be judged, for I would have been unfaithful to God on high.

If I have rejoiced at my enemy’s misfortune or gloated over the trouble that came to him
30 I have not allowed my mouth to sin by invoking a curse against their life—

Oh, that I had someone to hear me! I sign now my defense—let the Almighty answer me; let my accuser put his indictment in writing.

if my land cries out against me and all its furrows are wet with tears, if I have devoured its yield without payment or broken the spirit of its tenants, then let briers come up instead of wheat and stinkweed instead of barley.”


Job described what he had done and what he obeyed the word of the Lord to love others. Do his best to serve others and supply needed persons.

Job is not only pure in his behavior but also in his heart, trust in the Lord instead of gold or great wealth.

Job hoped the Lord answer him, and let his accuser put his indictment in writing. For Job cannot remember what he has to do but did not do it.


May the Lord Almighty keep my heart and my way walking on the way of the Lord!

Monday, February 24, 2025

what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account?

Job 31:1-15

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman. For what is our lot from God above, our heritage from the Almighty on high? Is it not ruin for the wicked,  disaster for those who do wrong? Does he not see my ways and count my every step?

If I have walked with falsehood or my foot has hurried after deceit— let God weigh me in honest scales and he will know that I am blameless. if my steps have turned from the path, if my heart has been led by my eyes, or if my hands have been defiled,

If my heart has been enticed by a woman, or if I have lurked at my neighbor’s door, then may my wife grind another man’s grain, and may other men sleep with her. For that would have been wicked, a sin to be judged. It is a fire that burns to Destruction; it would have uprooted my harvest.

If I have denied justice to any of my servants, whether male or female, when they had a grievance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?


Job describes his own behavior if judged by the Lord, Job has confidence his heart is pure and did not turn away from the way of the Lord. May the Lord judge him.

Job complained that his friend looked at him as a sinner so he suffered such a disaster.


Suffering, disaster, and troubles might come from nature's power, Satan, or the Lord's testing. But we know that when we call on the Lord, God will save us when I know I can't face it.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness

 Job 30:16-31 

And now my life ebbs away; days of suffering grip me. Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest. In his great power God becomes like clothing to me; he binds me like the neck of my garment. He throws me into the mud, and I am reduced to dust and ashes.

Surely no one lays a hand on a broken man when he cries for help in his distress. Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor? Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness.

Under distress or under the testament of the Lord is hard, but only the Lord can save us.

Yet Job hoped for good, evil came, when he looked for light, then came darkness


Our life is full of blessings and full of distress. God is my portion.