Monday, July 20, 2009
Arboretum of University of Wisconsin
Visiting Arboretum of UW in a very cool summer morning, I went to there by Bike in 30 minutes. Cloudy and windy weather did no so many tourist in the Gordon. I have been there 10 years ago. It was in full bloom in spring season. This time not so many flower, it was quite different feature. It was a different feeling of calm down.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Church visiting in Madison
July.26.2009 Luther memorial Church

Second floor for Chior
Before Worship
Baptist Pool
July.26 Luther Memorial Church
A very old style and beautiful Church. Ceremony of worship is very complicate. No praise team instead of it is big choir and excellent pipe organ player. Sermon is very short about 15~20 minutes. The most significant is the Communion ceremony. Every one go out to the front of alter and have to get the cups and bread in kneeling position. Beginning and Ending of the worship poster and some service people hold the cross go and back between gate and alter. Whole ceremony let me feel Communion is so holly and awesome! Even it just is a ceremony, I think the holly and awesome to The Load are we needed.
BlackHawl Church
Building a community to reach a community

BlackHawl Church
Building a community to reach a community
BlackHawl Church
Porpulation is the most in Madison Churchs. I found the message from the poster is the best one to me. May be this is the reason why so many people like come to here. Huge church have a lot of resources that provides more service to many variety people. So member in big church is gradually become bigger and small churchs are gradually smaller. Here are 3 times worship on Sunday. Each time has 2 worships take place in 2 halls. One is pastor give words of GOD intantly, other is showed on video, but has different worship team and pastor's pray and belssing.July.12.2009
Calvary Lutheran Chapel, a ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod at the University of Wisconsin
The Mission of Calvary Lutheran Chapel is to share the love of Jesus Christ in this university community.
Using Lutheran Service Book

有敬拜團的教會,人數更少,可能因為暑假沒有學生,是以學生工作為主的教會。牧師有特別的傳統穿著。經文讀比較多。每次有聖餐,是到前面圍成一圈,分別傳遞聖餐餅杯,餅是使用買來的薄圓餅。會眾自己傳遞餅杯盤。同時說這是主的餅,主的杯為你捨的。人數雖少,依然有聖潔、隆重的感覺。會後牧師也會問候,弟兄姊妹也會來打招呼。旁邊有餐點及飲料,據Kathy說是個可以帶咖啡敬拜的教會。樓下有international friendship center,安排有義工主持英文會話時間及聖經討論課程。十年前我也來參加過但是當時英文程度實在太差。
敬拜也簡短,同樣開始前先報告教會消息,為需要的人禱告則到前面的臺前點蠟燭,牧師證道期一樣先為孩子們有段簡短話語,敬拜傳道人與牧師同時擔任經文閱讀及分聖餐,使用真的麵包在聖餐中,。會後的 為福音隊祝禱是全體手牽手一起禱告,很好同心的禱告感受。弟兄姊妹比較熱情問候,比較有溫暖。教會也很漂亮。十年前曾經在這裡讀過一期英文,頗有好感。週三晚上有查經班,我也來參加。人數不多,但是很溫馨。敬拜分別使用管風琴及鋼琴,鋼琴彈的曲子極優美。主日會眾人數也不多。
Calvary Lutheran Chapel, a ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod at the University of Wisconsin
The Mission of Calvary Lutheran Chapel is to share the love of Jesus Christ in this university community.
Using Lutheran Service Book
有敬拜團的教會,人數更少,可能因為暑假沒有學生,是以學生工作為主的教會。牧師有特別的傳統穿著。經文讀比較多。每次有聖餐,是到前面圍成一圈,分別傳遞聖餐餅杯,餅是使用買來的薄圓餅。會眾自己傳遞餅杯盤。同時說這是主的餅,主的杯為你捨的。人數雖少,依然有聖潔、隆重的感覺。會後牧師也會問候,弟兄姊妹也會來打招呼。旁邊有餐點及飲料,據Kathy說是個可以帶咖啡敬拜的教會。樓下有international friendship center,安排有義工主持英文會話時間及聖經討論課程。十年前我也來參加過但是當時英文程度實在太差。
First Baptist Church of Madison
In response to the unconditional love of God, invites all people, regardless of race, culture, gender, or sexual orientation, to unite as full participants in this Christian Fellowship.
Using Chalice Hymnal & A sing Faith/Jane Porker Huber
First Congregational United Church of Christ, God is still speaking
and we are striving to listen and act as followers of Jesus Christ.
First Congregational United Church of Christ, God is still speaking
Thursday, July 9, 2009
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