Friday, April 29, 2011

God is with me, the sign of God

Exodus 3:1-12
Moses said " Here I am" when God called him, " Moses! Moses!"
God said " I am the God of Abraham, God Issac and God of Jacob"
Moses asked God," Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the people out of Egypt?"
God said " I will be with you"
This is the sign, The fire was on the bush, it did not burn up.
Place: mountain Horeb is the mountain of God, located in Sinai, where Moses later received the laws from God.
Moses faced his own crises of identity.
Here I am, obey the command when God called us.
Who am I, humbly stand before The Load. This is Moses' dilemma. It goes more deeper thn 'I am not up to the job"
I am who I am, is the Load, God is everything, I am nothing. I can't do anything.
I will be with you, God with us then I will be identified. I can do something because God is with me.
You are unique qualified- not you are anything- but I am. What gives us identify, is God's identify, his presence. " I will be with you"
God's present, God be with me, God chose me are very important. I can do nothing except God is with me.
I need waiting for God's present, then I can do next step. My situation right now is like the situation of Moses in desert. No one can talk, do not know what is the next, he has learned much knowledge but could not do anything.
Dear Load You are he living God, I am waiting for your present and give me the Sign.

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