Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do the right thing and walk the right way of the Load

Exodus 30:1-21
Make an altar of acacia wood for burning incense. Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning and twilight when he tends the lamps so incense will burn regularly before the Load for the generations to come.
Do not offer any other incense or any other offerings on this altar. Once a year Aaron shall make a atonement on it horns with the blood of atoning sin offering.
Atonement Money: Every one must pay the Load a ransom for his life when take a census of the Israelite to count them.
Each one over 20 years old gives a half shekel to the Load. The rich and the poor are same not to give more or give less. Receive the atonement money from Israelite and use it for the service of the tent meeting.
Basin of Washing: When Aaron and his sons approach to the altar to minister, thy must wash their hands and feet so that they will not die.
Wash hands and feet, then he will be clean, said as Jesus.
Plague will come when you number the people of the Load. Give a ransom for his life, everyone is the same price, means life of each one has same value. It also means every one has sin.
Once a year is 10. July the day of atonement (Leviticus 16:18, 29)
In front of the Load every one is equal right. He has to bear his own responsibility.
Incense is our pray in this moment to the Load. The God like our pray. Pray is daily job for us.
All of the human being are sinner, pay atonement is pay value to get life, Jesus pay his life as ransom for our eternal life.
Clean hands and feet: Do the right thing and walk the right way is the command of the Load.

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