Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spirit of Jesus is not allow and Vision of the Lord says

Act 15:30- 16:15
Disagreement between Paul and Barnabas because of Barnabas wanted to take John, also call mark with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him. For Mark had deserted them in Pamphylis and had not continued with them in the work.
Timothy joined Paul and Silas in the travel from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.
When Paul and his companions came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. Paul saw a vision, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."  They got ready at once to leave for Macedonia.
On Sabbath Paul they went outside the city gate to the river where they expected to find a pace of prayer. Lydia, who was worshiper of God, she and the members of her household were baptized at Philippi.
The decision to circumcise Timothy was taken in order to regularize his position as a Jew, not in order to secure his salvation. Paul had a special affection for his loyal, though timid, companion and successor.
At Troas, close to ancient Troy, Luke joins the party for the first time, and Paul receives his call to cross to Europe.
At Philippi there was simply a group of women, meeting for prayer. So the church at Philippi, whose loving faithful support and unfailing concern would bring Paul such joy begins with the response of Lydia, a local businesswoman.
Sometimes disagreement under the blessing of the Lord has good results.
Barnabas has more love and wisdom to encourage apostle, such as Paul and Mark and other Christians.
Follow the vision of the Lord is the right way to in our life.
Careful to listen the voice of the Lord and vision of Christ to lead our way!

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