Friday, April 8, 2016

For the many are invited, but few are chosen

Matthew 22:1-14
The parable of the wedding banquet: The guest of kingdom of heaven are invited, but they refuse to come. They are the Israelites, the Jews. So the people outside on the street be invited into the banquet of the king.
For the many are invited, but few are chosen: Even many people were chosen to the banquet of the king but they do not ready for their altitude, they do not respect the king, they do their own way.
V 11-13: are a warning to the newcomers. Those who come must come on God's terms.
Many Christians are come to church but they are walking on their way, one day, the final judgement, they will be trough out to the darkness.
No all the people come to church are really good Christians.
Jesus' parable of the guests invited to the wedding feast illustrate what he had just said.
The day will come when God no longer invites those who repeatedly refuse him. The invitation will go to others.
Wedding garment: Not special wedding clothes but clean clothes for a special occasion.
Be careful for the man are invited, but few are chosen. When I got the mercy of Jesus, do the right thing to honor God's Holy Name.

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