Monday, February 17, 2020

Why must those who know him look in vain for such days?

Job 24:1-25
Why must those who know him look in vain for such days?
There are those who rebel against the light,   who do not know its ways  or stay in its paths. When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up,  kills the poor and needy,   and in the night steals forth like a thief. The eye of the adulterer watches for dusk;  he thinks, ‘No eye will see me,’   and he keeps his face concealed.
As heat and drought snatch away the melted snow, so the grave snatches away those who have sinned.
He may let them rest in a feeling of security, but his eyes are on their way. For a little while they are exalted, and then they are gone; they are brought low and gathered up like all others; they are cut off like heads of grain. “If this is not so, who can prove me false and reduce my words to nothing?”
Look what goes on in the world: life is neither fair nor just. God delays judgment, and those who trample the helpless underfoot seem to get away with it.
There are many suffering, many poor and needy people. But there are evil men living well and doing many sins, despise the poor and widow. But the judgement seems did not come.
God's judgment will come but it seems delayed. Job mentioned is the truth. Actually, no one can answer this question.
All of use will ask the same problem, so many people turn away from the Lord for God is unfair. But who knows God's way? Only the righteousness can see the face of the Lord. Many question have answer when we meet the Lord.
What we can do is look for the Lord and trust in Jesus Christ. For Jesus Christ is our redeemer.

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