Sunday, August 9, 2020

Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory

 Psalm 60:1-12

You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us; you have been angry—now restore us! But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.
Save us and help us with your right handthat those you love may be delivered. God has spoken from his sanctuary: “In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure of the Valley of Sukkoth.
Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthlessWith God, we will gain the victoryand he will trample down our enemies.
Associates the psalm with the campaign recorded in 2 Samuel 8, when the faith of verse 12 and God's word in verse 8 were realized in the eventual victory.
God proclaims the land and people of Israel as his own: Schechem, in the heart of the country, between Mts Ebal and Gerizim; Succoth, a city east of the Jordan' Gilead, Isealite land east of the Jordan'; Manasseh, Ephraim, Judah, the 'big three of the 12 tribes. He declares his power over Israel's traditional enemies; the Moabites, east of the Dead Sea; Edomites, to the south-east; and Philistines, on the Mediterranean coast.
Raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow: to those who fear the Lord, God's banner is raising. It is distinguished among nations.
parcel out Shechem and measure of the Valley of Sukkoth: means divide the conquered lands to his people.
Human help is worthless, with God we will gain the victory. It is we have to stay on God's side.
禱告中值得注意的是 你把旌旗賜給敬畏你的人,可以為真理揚起來。得勝不是為自己出口氣,不羞愧而已。最後的目的是為神的真理彰顯,神得榮耀。如我們在生活中復興、一切順利,而是神的真理揚起。
v6-8 是核心經文。神已經指著他的聖潔說(說:或譯應許我)。神指著他自己的名起誓,神是自有永有,說有就有。所說的一定成就。指著神的聖潔,是分別的,量身訂做的。此應許一定成就。
v9-12 如果沒有求神與我們同在,我們不能做什麼。求神幫助攻擊敵人。我們是否依靠神?
Go with the Lord, and the victory will be with us!

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