Saturday, April 13, 2013

By wisdom and with wisdom gain prudence; be noble

Proverbs 8:1-21
Your who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding.
For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
By me kings reign and rulers make law that are just;
By me princes govern and all nobles who rule on earth.
With me are riches and honor enduring wealth and prosperity.
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior an perverse speech. Fear the Lord is same as to hate evil.
Wisdom calls out to everyone, she cries aloud to the city at the entrance.
Wisdom here is more than a simple personification: she embodies an aspect of God's own nature. The value of her instruction is beyond any earthly fortune.
I want to be transformed from simple to gain prudence, from foolish to gain understanding. Transform my image of simple man or weak man.
With the wisdom can reign the kingdom and stand firm in my work or career.
By wisdom can earn the respective from others and may preach the gospel to others.
Fear the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, meanwhile, hate the evil behavior and perverse(shrewd,悖) speech.
Be a noble man don't be a poor and foolish man.
Let me by wisdom, with wisdom alone. Make any decision or before my speak, let me say from the perspective of the Lord. Does it good to that man or does it with love, justice and faithfulness in me.

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