Thursday, December 17, 2015

When people has not God, there are the wicked men

Judges 19:16-30
The eventual kindness of the old man and what follows is very like the story of Lot and the men of Sodom.
There too, weighted against duty to an honoured guest, a woman counted for little. But in this case no angelic presence saves the concubine from horrible gang rape. So, in a second terrible atrocity(暴行), her husband uses the pieces of her body to summon the 12 tribes to avenge her.
The assumption is that the concubine was dead, though the story does not say so (an addition makes this clear in the Greek Septuagint text)
The situation of Benjamin is like the ancient Canaan men in Sodom.
When people has not God, there are the wicked men. There is not justice and they fear nothing.
Don't ask God the wrong question, such as why there is war if God exist, it is because they refused the Lord so the darkness came over them.
Fear the Lord is the key to have peace!

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