Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Glory to the wise God forever through Jesus Christ

Romans 16:25-27
Only God is able to establish us. It is go through gospel and Jesus Christ and the revelation of the mystery hidden for long age past.
But now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him.
To the wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ.
But then, as always at the close of his letters, his thoughts return to the wisdom and glory of the eternal God he has been called to serve.
Only God can establish us, establish our life and faith.
By Gospel and Jesus Christ, we can be establish, for God made a new way let us can follow Him through believe and obey.
This mystery was hidden for long age past, Jesus Christ came, revealed and let all nations might believe and obey him, but it is no everyone will believe.
Glory to the Lord forever through Jesus Christ reveal this love and grace to us.
God is wise than any of us.
Glory to the wise God forever through Jesus Christ.

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